Wednesday, March 4, 2009

milkshakes, broken blenders and swiffer wet jets.

This is a late post, but Wednesday was a lovely day. I went to school for 1.5 blocks, then headed out to the church to sing. Blech. I was picked up early from that with Zandra at just after 2!
When we got home, we were alone! DUN DUN DUUUN! Auntie was at the hospital, Puncle was at work and the other girls were still at school.
We took that wonderful pooch to the park, where we swung on the swings, talked about our likes and DISLIKES, and had wind fly across our faces. After our "walk", we had such a craving for slurpees and or milkshakes. Since we are so brilliant, we decided to make our very own special Milkshakes called The Zandels Surprise. It is ice creamless, yet still has the taste of that ice creamness. You will never guess what our secret ingredient is. We made a huuge mess, broke the blender, over-swiffered the floor, collapsed, laughed histarically and became light headed.
Once we were done with all that shinanigans, we went downstairs to blog. I was Alexandra's scribe, as she dictated what she wished to be spoken. We heard our names being beckoned, so we answered with a jont up the stairs to see Mr. Powell standing with four bags a chip taste testers. MMM.
We returned to the computer as we finished Zandra's blog post. Suddenly, Mercedes and Emerson came bounding down the stairs! The Millar and Gaglardi kids ate dinner together and continued on to youth.
Youth was really good that night.

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