Sunday, December 7, 2008

I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted.

Canucks lost to the Avs tonight in a shootout. 5 to 4. Hopefully they'll beat the Predators on

I went to church today. Mercedes and Mikayla came over after to work on our Bible project, which, I guess, went alright. They saw my house for the first time. I think they liked it. We went to the church for the Christmas talent show/decoration night. Some skits were funny. haha. Ma & Pa Kettle.
I saw Daniel tonight! That was pretty sweet.
I was going to say something incredibly funny, but I forgot. I guess you'll have to wait until next time.
Yeah, I know, that was a stupid post.

Até minha escrita em seguida encontra sua tela, adeus.

(If you're really crazy about know what that says, here. It says: Until my writing next meets your screen, farewell. (In portuguese.))

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