Monday, December 1, 2008

My thoughts are jumbled.

aah.. Today school was boring.. Other than French, it was a blast. Some people like closing windows, others like to eat cordon bleu, while some get bruises on their legs. It all works out, Mandy. ;)
Our class is now decorated all Christmas like and so is the bus..
I sat all ALONE for pretty much the WHOLE bus ride. SOME PEOPLE sure are friendly, and inviting sometimes. It was boring, but I kind of got a little while to think. (I know that sounds lame.. pfft.)
When I got home from school, I raced around the kitchen with four little puppies chasing after me. I watched some hockey.. AND!!! wait for it... wait for it.. I OPENED MY ADVENT CALENDAR. It's spiderman.
Tonight is Prison Break and I am preeeeetty excited. Other than the fact that Self is a backstabbing jerk, this season has been good. I kind of suspected that the lady secretary would be a private investigator/cop. I totally knew that Self was gonna turn on them anyways. I mean HELLO. If he had the opportunity to have like 170 million bucks, WHO WOULDN'T!?!
Can't wait to watch it.
Mercedes, if you happen to be reading this, the bridge question is a fake. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE, AND I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING.


mandy larade said...

Haha... I'll sit with you tomorrow morning since I'll actually be on the bus, and we can make fun of my, ahem, "future" together...
Is the bridge question seriously impossible? C'est dommage!

Alexandra said...

the brige thingy cannot be done!!! how did you come apon this infromation???

Chels. said...

Mandy, we sat together both times today! woah! ;)
..*cough cough* google *cough chough*