Saturday, December 20, 2008

I am now able to count down the days until Christmas... ON ONE HAND!

It's true! Only 5 days until Christmas... Well, 5 sleeps now, since the day is radically over.

Wednesday was a snow day, thus I did not go to school. I woke up, extremely tired and not wanting to go to school AT ALL. I dragged myself out of bed, mostly because my dad came into my room telling me that he had made pancakes. That was a gratifying surprise. =) Randy called my house at about twenty after seven to tell me that Ryan said there was no school. I wondered why because it seemed as if there was hardly any snow outside. I finally got a call at like 7:30 from a kid in my class, and consequently, I had to call the next one. After I made the call, I jumped back into bed, even though I had already showered, and fell asleep.. until two o'clock. It was a tremendous opportunity, but a pain in the butt because it was hard to fall asleep that night.


Thursday was a normal school day. (well, not so normal because I didn't have math in either math blocks..) Puncle spoke at chapel, which was stupendous. =)
At about 8:30 that night, I finally went to Wally mart to get my secret santa gift.. (due the next morning) I also got my other teachers a Christmas gift.

When I got to school, my class was divided into a great debate. It was a challenging dispute that has been argued for over seven centuries or something like that.
We went skating at about ten. I didn't really go skating all that long, only about twenty minutes, or less.
The gift exchange came after the arrival to the school. I was given a box of Lindt Lindor chocolates. Funny thing.. I'm not even a big fan of chocolate. ;) PFFT! THAT'S OKAY. I had Taco Del Mar for lunch. Mmm, mmm goooooood. ♫ We had a choice to watch either WALL-E or The Ultimate Gift, and sadly, I chose The Ultimate Gift. I AM NEVER WATCHING IT AGAIN! It's the dumbest thing I've seen all week. SERIOUSLY, GUYS! The actors are lame, and it's predictable. I mean, obviously the guy is going to marry the chick he met a month ago whose daughter has cancer, right!? NO JOKE, PEOPLE! THAT'S THE STORY! With a few other details, of course. ;)
THEN SCHOOL WAS OUT! WOOHOO. I don't have to go back until next year! Not for two whole weeks. -OH MY GOSH! 2008 IS ALMOST OVER.-

SATURDAY!! today.
I woke up at approximately twenty after eleven. My parents left for a couple days to Vic around one thirty, and I went Christmas shopping with Randy. We went to Wok Box for lunch at like four thirty, and I tell you man, it is DELICIOUS! *Alexandra says, 'Oh, yes!'*
When I got home, I went over to Randy's house and played tanks on his new tv through his mac. Sweeto. We used his bluetooth mouse and keyboard. I SAT ON THE COUCH AND PLAYED A COMPUTER GAME ON THE TV! What an idiosyncratic world we live in.
Later I went to the Sid to watch my dearie darling cousin, Onk dance pulchritudinously in the Nutcracker.
Alexandra is beckoning me to allow her to blog. =]


Until my fingers tap the keys,

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