Friday, December 5, 2008

There is only one little puppy left. Lucy! Isn't that sad? Fred was sold today. :)

Yesterday Mr. Shuel changed our desks around into groups of 4 in squares. I like it..
Tooooday is Friday. Woot!

This morning we had chapel then headed to skating.
You know that feeling when you first step onto the ice, if you haven't been skating in a while, and you kind of get a sense of direction leading your face to taste the ice? (Meaning falling, of course..)
Well I hate it. Before today I hadn't been on the ice since last year. Crazy, eh? Yeah, for about the first 5-10 minutes I didn't go super fast, and after that I started to go faster. Then before you know it, it's time to go and I was good at skating. hahah. I HATE THAT! Except next Friday should be easy.
When we got back to school after skating, we ate hot lunch! They were ginormous hot dogs.. Last week we had DQ which was QUITE tasty. :) During lunch break we had play practice. kind of ick. ahah. It will be over soon, though!
Laurel and I REALLY didn't want to go.. We were outside for a while running up and down the little hill until somebody said, 'PLAY PRACTICE IS STARTING, LAUREL AND CHELS!'
c'est dommage is all we could say. Except for 'crap/darn/I don't want to go!'
Today I found out that I have more lines, because some chick dropped out and I am the filling in, to my understanding, at least. And I only have like a week and a half!! AHH!
After play practice came music, then Bible with Teacher Mr. Pastor Matt. It was a pretty good class for the last block on Friday. I didn't see Jay today though. That was strange.

For practically the whole way home on the bus Emerson was dancing and singing the first and only line to Viva La Vida. It got stuck in my head and I JUST got it out of there because I listened to it.

This looks super long, so I am at the end.
I'm going to Randy, Ryan and Matt's house in like 15 minutes anyway.
Until next time, be brave.

ps. Our (Mik, my and Merb's) Bible Project might have song to it. ;) It should be good!

1 comment:

Mercedes said...

It "should" be good? IT WILL BE GOOD!