Monday, January 19, 2009

Ludicrous Louis.

In the fast past few days, I haven't blogged, but I have had my birthday! Yup. I tell you, it feels a world different being older. (I hope you can sense the sarcasm) For my birthday, I got the message Bible from Randy, a big bag from Sam, a jacket and white gold purity ring from my parents, and a box of chocolate from Levi =)

Today in school I did 9th grade math.. It was a cinch. Mr. Shuel rearranged us to have new partners. =) hahahah. Does everybody know my previous partner? Bhaahahha.
This time I was paired with a 9th grader.. I somehow understood the mathematics better than she.

I have exams coming up. I'm really not looking forward to my English exam. Blech.

It's dinner time dear followers.



Mikayla Joy Donovan said...

How does the title relate???

To bad i have your previous partner!!

samanthamillar said...

whats slovo? i bet its another language.